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水泻散 复方斑钠片
风湿跌打止痛膏(膏药) 鼻炎宁蜜浆
光和熊胆油 黄柏果片
冠心宁片 六味寒水石散
镇惊散 滋补片
肺灵丸 汇雪(散)
四合素片 人参健脾膏
香连散 复方胃痛片
桃儿七片 首乌酒
复方甘肃丹参片 驱风药水
武威膏药 小儿止咳冲剂
健脾肥儿散 保健丸
贝母止咳蜜浆 肥儿冲剂
止咳冲剂 理气舒肝丸
山楂糖浆 心可乐冲剂
参桂鹿茸膏 延龄冲剂
补肺汤 参杞糖浆
红膏药 小儿健脾糖浆
调元补肾丸 宝灵素
婴儿散 如意丸
小儿金片 石百兰片
枸杞晶 感冒退热片
小儿止咳散 白酱感冒冲剂
归芪丸 健脑灵糖浆
桔梗丸 山腊梅茶
石城白药 肝炎片
买麻藤片 冠安片
买麻藤糖浆 小儿化痰止咳冲剂
炎症丸 风寒疼痛丸
消炎冲剂 肺咳平丸
风湿骨痛糖浆 伤风止咳冲剂
小儿鸡肝散 肝胃气痛散
感冒灵胶囊 齄皮液(擦剂)
复方鱼腥草素片 小儿镇咳糖浆
首乌益寿晶 竹红菌素油剂
润肺清冲剂 防感片
半夏咳喘宁糖浆 百日咳嗽散
刺五加硫胺糖浆 鹿茸胶囊
赖氨酸蜂乳 咳宝糖浆
明目磁珠丸 跌打损伤膏
金青感冒片 亮菌片
杜仲叶冲剂 止血消炎灵(散)
速效伤风冲剂 小儿化痰止咳糖浆
全身散 四季青糖浆
风损膏药 活络舒肝片
风湿解毒片 采云散
买麻藤冲剂 感冒平液
映山红片 冻疮酊
感冒片 五味补汁
周胆星(茶曲) 肥儿疳积散
阑尾消炎灵胶囊 咳复舒

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中华人民共和国主席 江泽民


(1995年2月28日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十二次会议通过 1995年2月28日中华人民共和国主席令第四十一号公布 1995年2月28日施行)


Decision on Punishment over Crimes against the Company Law

(Adopted at the 12th Session of The standing Committee of The 8thNational People's Congress and promulgated on February 28, 1995)

Whole document
Decision on Punishment over Crimes against the Company Law
(Adopted at the 12th Session of The standing Committee of The 8th
National People's Congress and promulgated on February 28, 1995)
With a view to maintaining the social and economic order, protecting
the legal rights and interests of a company, punishing the crimes against
the company Law, the following provisions are formulated as a supplement
to the Criminal Law.
Article 1
Anyone who falsely reports the registered capital of a company when
applying for registration to the competent authorities by using fake
certificate documents or taking other fraudulent methods to acquire the
registration of the company, if to a huge amount, resulting in a serious
consequence or other grave effects, shall be sentenced to less than 3
years' imprisonment or criminal detention, and may, together, be fined
amounting to no more than 10 percent of the registered capital falsely
The unit applying for registration, who commits the offence provided
for in the preceding paragraph, shall be fined amounting to less than 10
percent of the registered capital falsely reported; the person(s) directly
in charge and others directly obliged shall be sentenced to less than 3
years' imprisonment or criminal detention in accordance with the
provisions stipulated in the preceding paragraph.
Article 2
The promoters, shareholders of a company who, in violation of the
Company Law, do not deliver the currencies or property in kind or do not
effect the transfer of property rights, falsely deliver the capital
contributions or withdraw the capital contributions after the company has
been established, if to a huge amount, resulting in a serious consequence
or other grave effects, shall be sentenced to less than 5 years'
imprisonment or criminal detention, and may, together, be fined amounting
to less than 10 percent of the capital falsely delivered or withdrawn.
The unit, committing the offence provided for in the preceding
paragraph, shall be fined amounting to less than 10 percent of the capital
falsely delivered or withdrawn by the unit; the person(s) directly in
charge and others directly obliged shall be sentenced to less than 5
years' imprisonment or criminal detention according to the provisions
stipulated in the preceding paragraph.
Article 3
Anyone who issues stocks or corporate bonds by making up fake
prospectus, share subscription applications or corporate bond offer
procedure, if to a huge amount and resulting in a serious consequence or
other grave effects, shall be sentenced to no more than 5 years'
imprisonment or criminal detention, and may, together, be fined amounting
to no more than 5 percent of the fund illegally raised.
The unit, committing the offence provided for in the preceding
paragraph, shall be fined amounting to less than 5 percent of the fund
illegally raised; the person(s) directly in charge and others directly
obliged shall be sentenced to no more than 5 years' imprisonment or
criminal detention according to the provisions stipulated in the preceding
Article 4
If a company provides the shareholders and the solo public with a
false financial and accounting report or conceals important information in
its financial and accounting report, thus seriously infringing upon the
interests of shareholders or others, the person(s) directly in charge and
others directly obliged shall be sentenced to less than 3 years'
imprisonment or criminal detention, and may, together, be fined amounting
to no more than RMB 200,000 yuan.
Article 5
In liquidation, if a company hides its assets, makes a false account
in its balance sheet or inventory of property sheet, or allocates its
assets before clearing off its debts, thus seriously infringing upon the
interests of the creditors or others, the person(s) directly in charge and
others directly obliged shall be sentenced to no more than 5 years'
imprisonment or criminal detention, and may, together, be fined amounting
to RMB 200,000 yuan.
Article 6
The personnel in charge of valuation of assets, examination of
capital, verification and audit, who deliberately submit false
documentation, thus resulting in a grave effect, shall be sentenced to no
more than 5 years' imprisonment or criminal detention, and may, together,
be fined amounting to no more than RMB 200,000 yuan.
The unit, committing the offence provided for in the preceding
paragraph shall be fined amounting to no more than fivefold illegal gains;
the person directly in charge and others directly obliged shall be
sentenced to imprisonment or criminal detention of no more than 5 years
according to the provisions specified in the preceding paragraph.
Article 7
Anyone who issues stocks or corporate bonds without approval of the
relevant competent authority regulated by the Company Law, if to a huge
amount and resulting in a serious consequence or other grave effects,
shall be sentenced to less than 5 years' imprisonment or criminal
detention, and may, together, be fined amounting to less than 5 percent
of the fund illegally raised.
The unit, committing the offence provided for in the preceding
paragraph shall be fined amounting to less than 5 percent of the fund
illegally raised by the unit; the person directly in charge shall be
sentenced to less than 5 years' imprisonment or criminal detention
according to the provisions specified in the preceding paragraph.
Article 8
The state personnel of relevant competent authorities, who grant
approval or registration to a company which does not meet the conditions
required by the law in the application for its establishment and
registration, or for listing or issuance of stocks or corporate bonds,
thus seriously infringing upon the public property and the interests of
the state and people, shall be punished according to Article 187 of the
Criminal Law.
Where the higher-level authority forcefully orders the registration
authority and its personnel to take the actions stipulated in the
preceding paragraph, the person in charge who is directly responsible
shall be punished according to the provisions in the preceding paragraph.
Article 9
A company's director, supervisor or staff member who exploits his
office to extort and accept bribery, if to a fairly large amount, shall be
sentenced to no more than 5 years' imprisonment or criminal detention,
and, if to a huge amount, to no less than 5 years' imprisonment, and his
property may, together, be forfeited to the state.
Article 10
A company's director, supervisor or staff member who exploits his
office to seize the company's property, if to a fairly large amount, shall
be sentenced to no more than 5 years' imprisonment or criminal detention,
and, if to a huge amount, to no less more than 5 years' imprisonment, and
his property may, together, be forfeited to the state.
Article 11
A company's director, supervisor or staff member who exploits his
office to embezzle the public fund of his unit for his private use or for
lending it to others, if to a fairly large amount and having not returned
it for over 3 months, or using it for profits-seeking purpose or other
unlawful activities although having returned it within 3 months, shall be
sentenced to no more than 3 years' imprisonment or criminal detention,
and, if to a fairly large amount and never returning it, shall be
punished as the offence of embezzling-public-funds as provided for in
Article 10 of this Decision.
Article 12
State personnel who commit a crime against the provisions as provided
for in Article 9, Article 10 and Article 11 of this Decision, shall be
punished according to the provisions stipulated in the Supplementary
Provisions on Punishment over Crime of Corruption and Bribery.
Article 13
Illegal gains, if any, from the crimes as provided for in this
Decision shall be confiscated.
Those who commit crimes against this Decision, with their illegal
gains to be confiscated, a fine imposed, their property forfeited and a
civil compensation assumed, shall be liable for the civil compensation in
priority in case they are insufficient of the assets for payment of all
the above items.
Article 14
This Decision shall as well be applicable to the crimes committed
against Article 9, Article 10 and Article 11 of this Decision by the staff
and workers of enterprises other than limited liability companies and
companies limited by shares.
Article 15
This Decision shall enter into force from the date of its